TACO GRINGOS: weekly art challenge #1
NEW: Weekly art challenge
Beginning TODAY, the Joplin Toad will host an experiment: Weekly creative challenges. 1 a week for 4 weeks. Want to participate? Jump in on instagram w/ hashtag #toadweekly or email us your piece.
Awhile back, we had a tweet dedicated to the strange devotion that local folks had to the local fast food joint, Taco Gringos.
Inspired by the tweet- and more so, by Gringos- local artist Aidan Aldrighett sent us this digital illustration, "Absolutely lost in the (Gringos nacho cheese) sauce". Just for funsies.
Follow Aidan: @dullaidan on insta, @dullaidanart on FB
We thought that was pretty awesome. And it got us thinking. Part of our goal here at the toad is to inspire and encourage local artists and writers. So how about this experiment: for the next month, we're going to issue a weekly creative challenge. We'll give you the prompt, and then you'll have a week to create a poem, story, illustration, song, photo, video, or any other art form of your choosing.
It can be as simple as a doodle, and as complex as this beautiful piece of work by Aidan. You do not have to be a professional to take part (though we hope some do); only requirement is that you are in or from Joplin Missouri.
You're welcome to share the work as soon as you create it, with the hashtag #toadweekly. Just be sure to link back to us so others know what's going on. Then, send your piece to joplintoad@gmail.com.
At the end of the month, we'll feature our favorite visuals and writings from all 4 challenges and assess how it went.
Our FIRST challenge, instigated by Aidan, will be TACO GRINGOS. You've got 7 days. LETS GO!