COVID19 packet #2: local arts to tide you over
We know it’s rough right now. Joplin- and everywhere- is restless, anxious, and largely stuck at home. Here’s a few creative responses from the four-state area to keep you going.
photo by @12eightyonephotography
First: Anthony Monteleone…Joplin councilman and…poet.
Anthony is a friend to Joplin, a dedicated council member, and lately, in celebration of national poetry month, a writer. Here’s a couple of poems inspired by the current situation:
NEXT UP: a quarantine single from local singer/songwriter, Vagabond Grove!
Vagabond Grove is a traveling singer-songwriter, with a passion for folk and a soft spot for rock, jazz, and hip-hop. This solo act fuses many genres into a one-of-a-kind sound.
Caleb from Vagabond Grove recorded this at-home single in response to our recent ‘quarantine’ creative prompt. Thanks Caleb!!