Featured local: best of juke productions (VIDEO)

The Toad approves! (of Juke Productions)

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As a new feature of the Joplin Toad, we have endeavored to reward the creativity of those who are not directly involved with, but still greatly respected by our humble online magazine.

Though we are not invited and our entrants haven’t actually entered anything, we have decided to give out an award each issue, to a local business or personage who has gone above and beyond in sheer creativity, either in promotion of their business or simply for the amusement of the general public.

Our first victor is Juke Productions, made up of Luke Sheafer and Jake Bennett, who in another life play in the band “Me Like Bees” (and that’s kind of a big deal). When they’re not jamming out to screaming hordes, you can find these two in Frosted Cakerie, serving cookies and cupcakes with intense passions.

Our award goes to these two for their promotional videos for Frosted, especially in reference to the famed “Walk in Wednesday” during which folks may in fact, walk in, to the bakery and purchase one of many sweet treats. We recognize that we are late coming in giving said award, but to be fair, when these videos were made we didn’t yet exist.

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Juke productions, we hereby bequeath you our “toad approves” stamp of approval for your creative efforts on a long standing series of ridiculous low quality/high-laugh-ratio videos that made us guffaw weekly, and of course, want to go buy cupcakes.

Well done, sirs.

Here’s a few of those videos to refresh the rest of yous.


Issue3FC ShultzIssue3, comedy, video, Juke