and now for the segment in which we invite our anonymous pooping ninjas to review local restrooms. In this issue, we focus in on coffeeshop restroom in joplin missouri.
PN1: Always feels like I’m squatting in a Seattle alley and I can
appreciate the ambiance.
PN2: this is the most progressive joplin bathroom.
PN1: Clean lines and color palates in the rest of the shop find their way to the restrooms as well and allow me to contribute with my own accent colors.
PN2: I could really use some art to relieve myself to. Reminds me too much of hospital bathroom experiences.
PN1: Appropriate that I provide fertilizer.
PN2: Economical. Not too large, not too small. Appreciate the double toilet paper roll. Nothing fanc…WAIT. An angel pedestal to adorn the corner?! BACK UP THE BUS, BETTY.
PN1: Wonderful minty smell quickly becomes off-putting when considering the hints of excrement. However, this does not ruin the wonderful downtown ambiance.
Something tastes funny in the mouthwash, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Nor do I want
PN2: I miss the sliding door in the mens’ room. Felt fancy.
PN1: After conquering Pan’s Labyrinth to find the restroom, I cannot remember anything but the sweet, sweet release of that morning’s coffee.
PN2: bananas painted on the wall… is this… yep. Peaches in the ladies room. I see what you did there. Bonus points for playful cleverness, and overall, best friendly pooping vibes in the joplin coffeeshop restroom category.