printable coloring book: toilet paper theme
A gift froM joplin artists to you: free printable TOilet paper coloring pages!
Dear Joplin, we know.
You’re anxious, you’re bored, and your kids are driving you absolutely up the $&@% wall.
In response, we artists offer you what we can: this absolutely free, toilet-paper themed coloring book via printable pdf.
We’d say it’s for the kids (and it is), but it’s for you too. Have a giggle, enjoy the art, and bust out the crayolas.
Click the button for printable pdf of the entire, 10 page coloring book: or keep scrolling to view images individually (and feel free to right click print any page by its lonesome).
Austin Spencer/@Austin_the_augustin:
Seth Wolfshorndl/@sethwolfshorndl
Veronica Carr: @minifrog.insta
Rhona mcBain / @bainink
Brennan Davis
Cody Martin / @little.cody.martin
Jerra Madole
Lesli Neuenschwander
Nate Billings / @thegr8nrd
Janelle Gardner